Cornerstone caught my eye because of Dr. Finck. He’s a local person who came back to his hometown after medical school, similar to what I did. What caught my eye for my employees was the ease of talking to him and the ease of getting medical care. Most of my employees did not have a relationship with their doctor, and he brings that to them, which is very important in my opinion.
The savings for my employees, from what I’ve seen with Cornerstone, are kind of hard to measure. But what I do know is that I don’t have those ER or urgent care visits, and having healthy employees is very important. After going through COVID and everybody missing so much work, being able to contact their doctor when they get sick and not have to worry about paying for a doctor visit and things like that... Keeping our employees healthy is something you find really hard to put a number on, but I’m very happy with it.
So my investment with Cornerstone is that I’ve offered to pay half of my employees’ monthly bill to Cornerstone. I wanted my employees to have some buy-in, and I didn’t want to just blanket it for everybody, but I thought people who felt it was important would be willing to invest the other half. And it’s worked. I think every one of them is happy. It’s been a good fit for my company.
My favorite thing about Cornerstone as a patient is just the ease of doing business with them. I can text him, I can call him, and when I go in, it’s so comfortable. It’s just been a great experience for me. As I’m getting older and starting to have issues and take more medicine, he does a great job of explaining it to me. He truly cares and remembers everything about me. I could never do his job because I just don’t have the memory, but he does an outstanding job, and just the comfort of doing business with Cornerstone is great.