Sedera Medical Cost Sharing
Medical cost sharing is a non-insurance approach to managing large, unexpected medical costs through a membership-based community.

Members support one another's physical and financial health.
You pay a monthly fee and then have help with large medical expenses when needed
Excellent for covering large unexpected health expenses like hospitalizations, surgeries, ER visits
Typically more affordable that similar coverage with traditional health insurance
You get a discounted rate by being a member of Cornerstone
If you have Cornerstone PLUS, , you get 50% reimbursement of Sedera Medical Cost Sharing Initial Unshareable Amount (IUA)
Not great if you have expected large expenses in the next year
Learn more about Medical Cost Sharing through Sedera.
There's a better way to pay for healthcare. Medical Cost Sharing is a peer-to-peer sharing of large, unexpected medical costs through a membership-based Community. Download the brochure to learn how Medical Cost Sharing works:
Download Brochure ↓For more detailed information on Sedera's Monthly Membership Contributions, download the Common Sharing Rules Cheat Sheet:
Download Cheat Sheet ↓